Monday, December 14, 2020


Open Sorcery: Sea++ is going to enter Early Access on Steam on:

Jan 05, 2021 @ 12:00pm EST

I anticipate the game will be playable, but quite buggy.


Barring disaster, Open Sorcery: Sea++ will release formally on Steam on:

Jan 25, 2021 @ 12:00pm EST


I'd love a lot of testers to make sure the game is solid for the formal release. To express my gratitude: anyone who plays the game and gives me feedback between the 5th and the 25th will get their name in the credits as a tester.

People who go above and beyond will get a special OS-themed title.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Game Done Also Vote

 I officially have a full game that you can play through from start to finish.


But it is playable.

Also: Vote.

Also also: Defund the Police

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Open Sorcery Events

EDIT: So for obvious reasons, Steam is rescheduling its festival for next week.

In accordance with that, I'm rescheduling the AMA and Live Stream.

Sorry for the short notice--I've been pretty busy with current events. I'll be posting new events shortly.

Also: Black Lives Matter.


Open Sorcery AMA
Tue, June 16, 2020 3:00 PM EST
Open Sorcery Discord Server

Ask me questions about Magic and Technology!


Open Sorcery Live-Stream
Sat, June 20, 2020 6:00 PM EST
Northhouse Twitch Channel

Northhouse will be playing the new demo of Sea++. They are a regular Streamer and came up with the name "Open Sorcery."

Abigail (the developer) will be also be on the Stream to provide commentary and banter.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Steam Game Festival Demo

In a month I'm releasing a demo of Sea++!

It's part of the Steam Game Festival.

I may also be running other tiny events!


Also much progress:

I finished two more areas--one mysterious and elaborate one, and one teeny tiny one.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Social Distancing Sale

You can now get Open Sorcery for free on itch.o.

Open Sorcery on itch.o

You can get it for 87% off on Steam.

Open Sorcery on Steam

(That's the biggest discount Steam would let me put in.)

Play games. Be safe.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Release Date: Winter 2021

I finished another area in Sea++.

I think I've gotten over the middle hump of the project and the end is in sight.

I feel comfortable setting a release date again, so here it is:

Winter 2021

I'm aiming for after the Christmas rush in the quiet months of January and February.

(Not that I really need to worry about market trends. I'm so tiny.)

I'm going to start simultaneously working on promotion.



Oh well. Gotta do it. Want people to see my art.

Does anyone know any influencers who like to talk about text-based games?

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Fiddler's Green and Pictures

I just finished Fiddler's Green, where you can teach violin-squirrels to sabotage a magical fraking operation.

I hit a slump working on Sea++ and focused on another project for a while, and that refreshed me and now I'm back at it.

I only have two more big areas to finish, and four to five small ones. And after that we start editing, debugging, and promoting which is its own project all by itself.

Fish has been steadily making art for the areas I've been producing. Attached is some of their lightest and darkest stuff.