Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Memories and Spells


Ironed a whole bunch of kinks out of the inventory system.

Implemented a word-search mini-game for searching debris.

Implemented memories. (now doesn't THAT sound meta)

Implemented spells.

LOTS of bugs.

Added two sections to tutorial area.

As I knew I would have to, I'm redoing Twine's saving system--basically taking saving and loading out of the twine library's hands because it doesn't do it optimally. It flattens maps into arrays, for goodness sake.

I wonder if I'll reach a point where Harlowe is holding me back more than it's helping me. I'm not at that point. I still love the GUI and the scripting is lovely when all I need is scripting. But this library is not meant to be hacked like I'm hacking it.

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